I’m a big fan of PVP and competing against other players, it’s kinda why I play online games over single player games; that was my biggest problem with Triad Wars. On its own it is most definitely a fun game and very easy to pick up and play, but I think they really missed a trick with the multiplayer capabilities as it still feels like a single player game. Sure you get to build up your Turf, and there’s an element of pride when you get a message that your Turf was attacked and the attacker failed, but going up against AI is never that great a challenge. I’d love to see some more PVP, maybe giving players a chance to defend their Turf themselves when they are online, that would add a much more competitive edge that didn’t just come down to who had been grinding more to get better cards to upgrade their NPC defenders.
This game is ideal for someone like me who doesn’t have hours and hours to sink into a game, playing for 30 mins or an hour, whilst not necessarily completing all that much, is still extremely fun if you go on some killing sprees and try to see if you can beat your personal best for keeping the police in pursuit. I actually find the open world component a lot more distracting and only got into the basics of building up my Turf, though I guess as you want to increase the challenge of your game then you will need to level up and so all of that comes with it. Very fun game and thoroughly recommended.
I love the level of personal customization you have with the Favor system, collecting the different cards through open world missions or spending some gold (the premium currency) can give you a few decent boosts to improve your game. Getting an infinite ammo card is always a blessing and it’s a tough decision whether to put it to good use and blow through some missions, or just go crazy and get into huge firefights with gangs and the police. My one disappointment was that I couldn’t find any way to collect the cool vehicles that I had managed to… borrow… there’s a Garage where you can access the ones you have unlocked with Favors, but it didn’t seem possible to save the fast sports cars, police cars or even fire trucks you find in the game, which is a shame.
I don’t know why this game is called multiplayer, the Turf feature lets you and other players build up bases that you can attack respectively, but the defenders are AI and so you never have to interact with another player at all in the game. As far as the solo content goes it gets pretty old pretty quickly and you’re doing the same missions over and over, or the unrewarding open world where you can’t mug people, shake down shops, seemingly sell vehicles (or repair any that you like). It just generally feels like an incomplete game; thankfully it’s free to play.
For me personally I just love getting into a car and taking in the sights, traveling around you come across some really well designed locations that further add to the cinematics of the game and really make it feel like a living world. Heading down a back alley you find people looking down from their resident balconies (and they’re actually not just background …. i.e. you can shoot them…) or a guy peeing in a corner, the little things make the world stand out and then are some great hidden places. Realism is further enhanced by the graphics and physics engine, the way cards flip over in a car chase, or the ragdoll effect as you spray a machine gun into a police car; it’s brutal but it’s also sickeningly satisfying to see the attention to detail.
From my playthrough I found that there is a definite danger of the game getting a little bit stale, the content that exists is fun but even after a few hours the missions feel quite generic and similar, even the open sandbox element such as police chases and killing sprees start to feel like the same routine. Hopefully more variety is going to be added to the game, and no doubt it will be something the developers continue to work on but are (as ever) stuck with time restrictions to try and get everything done that they want. What they have is a great starting product, but for my money it’s more suited to a casual player than anyone looking to engross themselves in it for days at a time.
A fun way to blow off a little steam I did enjoy my time playing Triad Wars, a few mini sessions here and there, it definitely ticks a lot of boxes: cinematic combat, awesome car chases, bloody gunfights, great world design. The biggest problem is that the multiplayer options are limited and so it feels a lot like a single player.. and if you’re looking for a single player where you steal cars and go on killing sprees, then you’re as well to look at Grand Theft Auto whose single player outshines Triad Wars in every way and has an actual online MMO component; Grand Theft Auto I get completely immersed in, Triad Wars I drive around thinking “This isn’t as good as Grand Theft Auto” and that’s a shame. It’s free to play and obviously has nowhere near the budget of Rockstar, but it’s a similar kind of game so I think it’s just going to be an inevitable uphill struggle aiming to ride the success they had with Sleeping Dogs that has now been outshined by GTA in every way.
Well there you have it, our players have pitched in with their thoughts about SWTOR, but what about you? Have you played the game, and if so what did you think, or if not why not? What do you think about what our players have had to say? Give us your feedback in the comments below!
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