FIAA announces that GodStoria: The Bible Online is now available globally

GodStoria is currently available in two languages, English and German. FIAA announced that Spanish and Polish servers will be available during March and further languages such as French, Italian and Russian will follow.

Lucy Ahn, the publishing manager said, “Since the launch in Europe there are many interests and inquiries from other side of the world, especially from the US and South America. During the 3 months of service in Europe the game was stabilized and upgraded through major updates such as ‘Sodom and Gomorrah update’. With the start of the New Year, this is the right time for us to expand and service GodStoria to users all around the world. We will do our best to provide the optimized service to every single user that plays GodStoria.

In order to provide best gaming experience to global users, FIAA has expanded its server network in a world wide scale.

1 Comentarios de FIAA announces that GodStoria: The Bible Online is now available globally

  1. Glagowski, Horst

    Deutschland, Germany

    Was ist mit “godstoria” passiert. Wie kann man godstoria erreichen?

    Horst Glagowski

    E.-Mail :

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