Dragons vs Unicorns has revealed new details of its single player mode

Digital Harmony Games, has revealed new single player details for the upcoming free-to-play MMOG Dragons vs. Unicorns, which will launch on iOS, Android and Browsers this year.

Dragons vs. Unicorns' single player mode is an action defensive mode where players take charge of the Unicorn and defend the adorable baby unicornlings hatched from the nests. The goal is to protect the unicorn eggs and nests from the Dragon Minions as waves and waves of Dragon Minions approach in each successive level. Players will earn points for hatching unicorns and gold for killing minions.

Protecting the precious unicorn eggs aren't the only task players are charged with, they must also protect the cute and cuddly bunnies that hop from the opposite side of the field to sit on top of the unicornling eggs for incubation. In this action-packed game, players can collect ability orbs from enemy kills to command powerful elements; like the Happy Sun Beam that fries multiple enemies on the screen all at once. Master the high score leaderboards, and earn gold and cupcakes to spend in the Dragons vs. Unicorns store for defensive and offensive upgrades and new abilities.

Dragons vs. Unicorns offers an immersive experience with a simple and intuitive control scheme and easy click and gesture based control. PVP fans will find dynamic physics with realistic damage in the sprite filled, sparkly rainbow and molten lava driven world. Single player mode, VS Multiplayer, persistent player data, social connectivity and so much more will await players in this unique and magical world of Dragons and Unicorns.

2 Comentarios de Dragons vs Unicorns has revealed new details of its single player mode

  1. Steven

    How is this news at all? Seriously, who plays this?

  2. Sarah

    ok, I am taking this oorpptunity to tell my really story.When I was little, I had never seen a real chicken, and certainly did not connect that alien-looking thing that we ate to what I was introduced to one day when my aunt gave us two chickens, Helen and Scags*. We kept them in our cellar, where I rollerskated (fat wheels) round and round in circle while the chickens either chased or were chased by me (when you spin in circles, there is no real way of determining the aggressor, really). Helen and Scags were part of the family -you know, pets.One day, Daddy grabbed them and brought out to where he chopped wood. Well you know what happened next. My first defining experience with chickens went from pet to headless runner to dinner, with a few feather sticks stuck in the skin to really distinguish it from the store bought aliens.It was really weird to see them running around like that and definitely jumpstarted my metaphysical thought bubbles. That’s how I learned that chickens are real AND we eat the suckers, too. I think this early childhood memory was a force behind my ten year stint as a vegan.*names have been changed to protect the chicken family’s privacy

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