Mechanist Games has announced the start of City of Steam’s Alpha test

Mechanist Games has announced that City of Steam's Alpha release will be spread over a number of weekend tests scheduled for July 20-22, July 27-29 and August 3-5th. Each weekend will see the addition of new content such as extra races to play, new quest lines, and contests where players can win prizes, both digital and physical.

Separate weekends will also focus on testing different aspects of the game to cover a broader perspective of overall performance and playability. Being a strongly community-driven developer, their aim is to receive as much feedback as possible in regards to refining the game for future releases. The active community, with plenty of development sneak-peeks, polls, contests, can be joined on the forum.

In addition, for the duration of the Alpha period, Mechanist Games are offering Collaborator Packs, which contain an array of in-game benefits, downloadable content and City of Steam-themed merchandise, the highest levels including a poster personally signed by the developers and other unique supporter-designed items. Each pack also contains Alpha keys to get access to the game's upcoming testing, higher level packs guaranteeing future beta access.

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