Eldevin has announced a new update for its closed beta

Hunted Cow Studios has announced a new update for the closed beta of their new browser MMORPG Eldevin, which is going to increase the game level cap. Players will now be able to continue their journey through Eldevin and experience hours of new content and epic story.

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Producer John Stewart said, "We're very pleased to open up more of the game to our community. We've had thousands of players jumping in and enjoying the game and we're very close to starting our open beta weekends. Over the next two months we've got a very busy schedule of updates and we're going to continue to rolling out improvements during this time. We feel Eldevin is going to be one of the best browser-based games on the market and the development team are all extremely dedicated to making this happen!"

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Source of information: Hunted Cow Studios press release.


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