– Gamescom 2013 – S.K.I.L.L. Special Force 2 exclusive presentation

During the Gamescom Matthias Helig and Jochen Nawrotzki were so kind as to show us S.K.I.L.L. Special Force 2, the upcoming free-to-play MMOFPS published by Gameforge. The game uses the graphics engine Unreal 3, so the graphics are very good and the performance is outstanding, especially when run on low end computers.

Special Force 2 has all the things that you might expect in these types of games, such as free access to all their content, two types of currency, one earned by playing and the other one by paying, which you can use to buy almost everything in the store, with the exception of certain cosmetics items that may only be purchased with the payment currency. The game has achievements, statistics, and equipment that you can use to improve the performance of your character.

In the game there are clans, which are communicated between them in Facebook-like wall, and chat channels, with which players can communicate with each other, you can also follow the progress and achievements of your colleagues. But what makes the game is the amount of training grounds, cooperative modes and game modes.

The game is currently in Open Beta so feel free to check it out since there are not many games with these features out there.

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