Extraction announces that is going to kick-off its closed beta period on Oct. 1

NEXON America has announced that on October 1 is going to start the closed beta of their new MOFPS (Multiplayer Online First-Person Shooter) Extraction. The game takes place in London after a mysterious radiological attack, where the only who dare to enter the city are groups of mercenaries whose mission is to get valuable data.

Extraction screenshot MOFPS 180913 RW2

Only a limited number of players can participate in the closed beta of the game, which will receive the invitation the day that begins the beta. Registration begins today, and interested players can sign-up for closed beta testing at the official website.

Extraction screenshot MOFPS 180913 RW5 Extraction screenshot MOFPS 180913 RW1

During closed beta players can test various maps and game modes, and unlock new mercenaries with different play styles and skills.

Extraction screenshot MOFPS 180913 RW3 Extraction screenshot MOFPS 180913 RW4

Source of information: Nexon America press release.

Extraction - logo640

1 Comentarios de Extraction announces that is going to kick-off its closed beta period on Oct. 1

  1. Death2divine

    This better not be another let down nexon because my hype is almost tangible n.n

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