Square-Enix has unveiled Nosgoth, a new multiplayer game set in the universe of the Legacy of Kain

Square-Enix has unveiled its next free-to-play competitive multiplayer game: Nosgoth, which takes place in the universe of the Legacy of Kain series.

Nosgoth PvP multiplayer announcement screenshot 26092013 RW1

The name of Nosgoth, comes as a result of the fictional land in which the Legacy of Kain game series takes place, where players will be able to play as Human or Vampire. Each race has a different play style, and in each match you can play with a different side each round.  Vampires are specialized in the use of devastating and cruel melee attacks, powered by their inhuman abilities, the Humans instead are armed with a devastating arsenal of ranged weapons and lethal devices;

Nosgoth PvP multiplayer announcement screenshot 26092013 RW2 Nosgoth PvP multiplayer announcement screenshot 26092013 RW3

Below you can see a gameplay trailer of Nosgoth's alpha where you can see the game in action:

Source of information: Square-Enix press release

Nosgoth - logo 640


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