C9 Receives Content Update

C9 - news

WebZen has released the latest content update for their free-to-play action MMORPG Continent of the Ninth Seal (C9), which introduces the 1st half of the 6th continent, Raebin, as well as a revised skill system. The update moreover raises the level cap and adds new dungeons and items.

C9 players may now bring their characters up to level 67 and can enter the following 5 newly introduced dungeons: Abyssal Underways, Syutereunen Logging Camp, Dying Forest of Eternity, Fragment of Kodes, and Hidden Valley of Wind.

In addition to normal and unique new items for each class, the revised skill book system make its way into the game, making it much easier for players to obtain skill books from the dungeons in the 4th till 6th continent. They can also combine their books with a Cosmos Stone to randomly strengthen their potency for skill book set effects or combine 2 or more books with an Artisan Crystal for a chance to get a different, more powerful skill book.

Source of information: WebZen press release.

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