WildStar: New DevSpeak Introduces Raids

WildStar - news

Carbine Studios have released their latest DevSpeak video along with some screenshots to shed a light on raids in their action MMO WildStar, promising their 20- and 40-player PvE dungeons, which pit players against the most aggressive bosses, to be even more challenging than any hardcore mode.

In WildStar, players won't be faced with a static universe or the classic "clean the area, kill the boss, loot the loot" as enemies are capable of learning. Instead, they should be prepared for weekly tectonic shifts , accompanied by unique events and bosses available at variable times.

For defeating Nexus’s toughest delegators, players will be generously rewarded, as, for example, with epic armour sets, uniquely powerful runes and elderly gems in record numbers, or even artifact weapons of incomparable majesty.

Source of information: Carbine Studios press release.

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