Armored Warfare Test 5 Dates

Armored Warfare - news

Armored Warfare is almost ready to begin the Early Access of its next test, which will begin on September 3 and will end on September 20. In this test you can try new vehicles, maps and see some gameplay changes, although more important feature that this test will bring are the bases, a place where we can build a wide variety of buildings that will provide us with different advantages and improvements.

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At the beginning our base starts with just a single garage, but as we progress we can build more buildings and each building can be improved 8 times to provide greater benefits and improvements.

These are the buildings that we can build our Base:

  • Academy: a bonus to commander XP per battle.

  • Airport: a Credits discount when purchasing Retrofit upgrades.

  • Ammo Depot: a Reputation discount to unlock Firepower upgrades.

  • Armory: a Reputation discount to unlock Armor upgrades.

  • Barracks: a bonus to Crew XP.

  • Command Center: aGlobal Match Reputation gain bonus.

  • Garage: a Global Repair Cost reduction.

  • Helipad: a Global Match Credit gain bonus.

  • Harbor: an incremental Raw Materials shipment increase.

  • Recon Post: a discount to Premium Time purchases.

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In order to find out more about this game, feel free to consult our profile by activating the INFO button below.

Source: press Release.

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