Things We Love About Wartune

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Available to play through your browser or directly over Facebook, Wartune is one of the bigger RPG meets RTS free to play MMOs out there where players can choose from three different character classes and must advance a story driven quest line, unlock new features, acquire powerful gear and go head to head against other players. The game has more than its fair share of bad points, but for this article we’re putting on our happy face and letting you know just exactly what we love about it.

Wartune general screenshots RW2 Wartune general screenshots RW1

  • Great Graphics - The scenery in the game is amazing. Whilst the in game character models are a little weaker and not quite as high quality, the NPC character images seen in the dialogue between characters is extremely well done, but the scenery is where the graphics really shine. Each area in the world has its own background designed (as the game is a 2D RPG) and they all look like the best concept art that creates a much more immersive fantasy world that is a joy to explore simply to see the new locations.

  • Not Fully Automated - In comparison to other games you actually have to be present. There’s so many Asian RPGs that are almost literally fully automated, where you can go AFK and the game will take over, move you from one NPC to the next, take you to your next quest location, kill enemies, level you up, etc. Whilst there are automated features, and the hyperlinks for quests do auto-path to places, the game does require some player engagement and for that we have to commend the developers for making a game that you actually have to play.

  • Run a City - As well as the traditional RPG elements there is also a city levelling feature. Each player has access to their own city where they must earn currency to upgrade various buildings that will unlock and upgrade various features in the game, whether increasing a Barracks to improve the strength of troops who can add you on quests and in dungeons, or putting a levy on the Town Hall to get gold throughout the day. There are plenty of different buildings available which allows elements of customization depending on what the player wishes to focus on, but ultimately it’s something a little different to what we’re used to seeing. Throw into the fact that players can attack each other’s cities as part of PVP and you’ve got a nicely rounded feature.

  • Guild Wars - Guild wars are pretty intense and highly strategic. Whilst the game itself is relatively simple, and AI combat is kind of grindy, when getting to the late game and being able to join one of the larger guilds to get into the larger battles then the intensity and pace definitely kicks up a notch. For the Guild Wars players roam around trying to take Guardian Towers and will intermittently get pulled into instanced based battles against the roaming players, available players can jump into these battles whilst they are happening, meaning strong communication between a large team can really help seal and overall victory.

  • Compelling Narrative - The story is actually pretty interesting. In comparison to a lot of other RPGs where the storyline is extremely shallow, Wartune has done a decent enough job to make their story-arc a bit more of an epic saga and actually interesting to progress and go through the myriad of twists, turns and betrayals that lead you to the end. Add in to the fact that, for an Asian RPG, the game is pretty solid on the English translations for the most part

These are some of the things that we love about Wartune, but what do you think? What do you love about this game? Would you add anything else to the list? We await your opinions! Let us know!!!!!

And if you want to know more about this title, visit our profile by clicking the "Info" button below.

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