GM guild recruitment on 4story

4Story will bring in more than 2 GMs in each starting point of 2 kingdoms every weekend to meet new comers. Addition to this, those GMs will ask you to join their own guild (The Karma for Craxion, UltimateSoul for Defugel) where you can grab the chance to be a member of the community directly and make your way to be a hero faster than anybody in the game. GMs will support you and guide you against difficulties you will face with along with level up activity up to 30 lv. Plus, GMs are distributing fascinating rewards against level up which will even stimulate your level up speed more than ever. Do level up and ask what they have got for you fairly.

Reward Details:

Level 10 : 100 Luna + 30 HP, MP
Level 15 : 150 Luna + 30 HP, MP
Level 20 : 200 Luna + 30 HP, MP
Level 25 : 250 Luna + 30 HP, MP
Level 30 : 300 Luna + 30 HP, MP + 14 34 lv. upgraded weapon

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