Raptr Report reveals the type of gamers who play DC Universe Online

A few weeks ago Sony Online Entertainment released their much anticipated superhero game, DC Universe Online (DCUO).
Raptr, a popular game tracking application, has released some new playtime stats for DC Universe Online. For gamers using the Raptr PC client to track their gameplay hours with the new MMORPG, we’ve uncovered some interesting data comparing the game with other popular titles.

The data pulled from the DC Universe Online gametime statistics include:

- Top 10 other games that DCUO players play

1. World of Warcraft
2. League of Legends
3. StarCraft 2
4. Call of Duty: Black Ops
5. Eve Online
6. Lord of the Rings Online
7. Champions Online
8. Aion
9. Red Dead Redemption
10. Star Trek Online

We see that DCUO players have a particular bend for multiplayer games. While there are a number of MMORPGs listed, it’s interesting to see some FPS, and RTS in the mix

- Top 10 games that DCUO stole playtime from

1. World of Warcraft
2. StarCraft 2
3. Aion
4. Battlefield Bad Company 2
5. Mass Effect 2
6. Call of Duty: Black Ops
7. Mafia 2
8. Team Fortress 2
9. Eve Online
10. Warhammer Online

Once again, we see a number of multiplayer games. While WoW was affected most, overall the dent is pretty minimal as the overall gameplay hours tracked for WoW week in/week out keeps it at the top of the charts.

- Top 9 other MMOs that DCUO players played

1. World of Warcraft
2. Eve Online
3. Lord of the Rings Online
4. Champions Online
5. Aion
6. Star Trek Online
7. Final Fantasy 14
8. Everquest 2
9. City of Heroes

Overall, the most obvious bit of data that stands out is that gamers who play DCUO are heavily into MMORPGs specifically, and multiplayer games in general.

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