Age of Wushu has unveiled the ins and outs of their crime and punishment system

Age of Wushu has revealed the ins and outs of their crime and punishment system. In the game, kill other players is a way to get lots of money... in addition to achieve infamy and be the target of vengeful players!

Killing players without a legitimate cause (rival school, defense) adds Infamy. The first change a player may see when Infamy increases is to their name color. White to Orange, Orange to Red, and Red to Purple are the show the increasing levels of evil deeds committed. When Infamy reaches “Orange”, other players can place a bounty for the offending player’s arrest. Bounties attract attention to villainous players. Constables, of the NPC or player variety, can track the infamous player down and try to take him or her out. A successful arrest will yield a handsome sum from the original victim. The criminal will be taken to the nearest jail.

Each server can have up to 1000 Constables. So you can join the guards to protect the cities and schools of Age of Wushu, and earn money for bounties. Both Wanted and Constable Players will be denoted by a circling graphic on their character. Players that see a blue chain walking up to an orange Sword may want to stay clear of the upcoming skirmish, or aid one. Constables are held under tight scrutiny, player will be removed from service if their Infamy gets too high. A no nonsense officer is one thing, but vigilantes are unattractive for the government.

As for jailed criminal, there are several options. Orange and Red names can wait out the sentence in prison until Infamy reaches zero, pay a hefty bribe to a guard to be released with a clean record, or spend a lesser amount in a game of dice to get out of prison. Players that don’t win the dice game lose a small amount of Infamy each time they play, (restrictions are set on the number of bets a player can make a day). There is even an option to break out of prison. A player, with 5 friends, can arrange to be moved to a different cell. The friends of the player are notified and can fight their way in and rescue their comrade. Small penalties will be attached to a player that gets out of these lower prisons as a temporary “parole” of sorts.

The highest level of Infamy is not forgiving; players with purple names are temporarily held in a special prison before going to death row. The bribe price is steeper and the breakout tasks are harder to get out of this prison. If a player cannot come up with the bribe or escape, they will be scheduled for a public beheading in front of the prison. Beheading holds extensive stat penalties for players.

Source of informations: Snail Games press release.

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