Ankama has released its new online game WAKFU on Windows, Mac and Linux

Ankama has released its new MMORPG WAKFU. Furthermore, the French studio announced details about special subscription offers that will be available during the first month of WAKFU’s launch.

Ankama has decided to offer the online game WAKFU using a hybrid “freemium” model that combines free-to-play and membership models. The game is available to download and play for free, which will allow players to explore the game and its contents. With a subscription for £ 5 per month, players get access to the entire gaming experience. An online store also offers a number of cosmetic items to purchase.

With WAKFU, we are giving more responsibility and freedom to players,” says Anthony Roux, CEO of Ankama and Creative Director of WAKFU. “Their actions have a real impact on not only their character, but also on the environment, as well as on the political and economic life of their nations. We hope that the original experience offered by WAKFU will appeal to players and the game will have the same longevity as DOFUS.”

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