Atlantica Online has released a new update titled At the Gates

Nexon America has released a new update to Atlantica Online. The update titled At the Gates comes with a new dungeon, as well as the Excavation Expedition, Momentum EXP System, and more. Players can now enter the game and explore Yggdrasil’s Three Gateways dungeon and experience entirely new elements of combat and win prizes and treasure in the process.

Yggdrasil’s Three Gateways dungeon gives players an opportunity to defend the Three Gateways against adversaries and battle at their individual skill level. First of its kind, this Nation Dungeon’s monsters automatically adjust in difficulty based on the character’s skill level.

Atlantians looking to yield more deposits in the Oriharukon Mines on Titan can now send their expeditions, or mercenaries, to battle rival guild expeditions for control of the mines. Players that are in a guild and own a “My Home” will be able to participate in the newly added Excavation Expeditions. Victors of the expedition battles win control of the Oriharukon Mine and its resources for their guild.

In addition to the new automatically adjusting dungeon and Excavation Expeditions, the “At the Gates” Update has also introduced a Momentum EXP System that gives players the opportunity to earn and accumulate more EXP. As players battle specific monsters, they accumulate EXP and can select the distribution among their mercenaries.

With this update, players can now recruit Valkyrie, an A Grade Mercenary. Player versus player battles have also been given a boost, as players are able to summon a Deadly Machine to aid in battle. Various adjustments have been made to Competition, and battling other players has never been more exciting.

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