Audition presents the new Guitar Mode

Burda: ic has announced the launch of  Audition, Guitar Mode, a new game mode that is familiar to all players of music titles for consoles. The new mode will be available in all styles of play and 6 players can play together. There will be six songs, and four different difficulty levels of play. The new items are available at the Guitar Shop Audition, although users can try this new way for free, and will receive his first guitar automatically.

The new Guitar Mode Mode, the strings of the guitar are the keys Z, X, C and V and the Shift key. Alternatively the keys may be managed with N, M, comma and period. In the more difficult levels the player will have to use two sets of keyboards. As is known, the player must play the notes in the order and timing as well as using the vibrato, as can be done in the popular game consoles

Guitar Mode The new mode will be available free to all users of Audition as of February 24, 2011.

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