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Battle Knight

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Battle Knight review:

Developed by Gameforge for Internet browser.


BattleKnight is a free online browser game. Become a paladin in shining armour or a dark robber knight that doesn't know any laws.


The game features character levels, and higher levels will allow players to purchase better equipment for their knight (or knight-in-training). Each day, knights will be able to go on missions, duel other knights, work for silver, and train their skills by spending their hard-earned silver coins.

Players can choose to walk the path of light or dark – chivalry or evil. Different paths result in different types of missions, but no side has a particular advantage.


Internet connection and Java.

Website: Battle Knight

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3 Comentarios de Battle Knight

  1. Tiredofgameforg

    I have played Battleknight for almost 5 years, 6 months ago BK had a forced redesign which made a lot of long time players quit the game, not the are forcing server merges because there are not enough active players on these servers, there are 8 US server with maybe 200 active players per server but many player have knights on multiple servers, so according to the designers of we will have to decide which account to forget about and which to play, many players have put a lot of time, effort and Money into these accounts, yes I said many even though this is a free to play game if you want to compete after a certain level you will have to buy into the game, I do not advise playing Battleknight if want to see what things are like visit the Game forum for the US server you will see for yourself.

  2. darts

    the game layout is graphical astonished me but the game play is very slow,very time consuming and pay to bit the game or other player. few features like items for silver, detailed quest/mission, loots item, over all it should be even on both side not just wasting of money to play it.

  3. Rukkanor

    Typical pay to win game. Thanks Gameforge!!! Avoid it

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