Bigpoint and joinDOTA celebrate the first World Champions Versus Newcomers for Dota 2

Bigpoint has announced a big new, because this weekend there will be the first World Champions Versus Newcomers Dota 2 battle organized by Bigpoint and joinDOTA. In addition Tens of thousands of fans are being offered exclusive Drakensang Online bonus codes before the first tournament takes place on Saturday.

The best teams worldwide will challenge newcomers in a tournament, which is the first of a series of monthly "Bigpoint Battles", and the winners will  get € 2000 in prizes.

The current format allows newcomers to test their skill against established teams and will raise awareness around pro-gaming around the world. Competitive gaming has always been a key focus for Bigpoint and this is why we have been increasingly pushing PvP gameplay and events in our games, notably in Battlestar Galactica Online, Pirate Storm and most recently Drakensang Online,” said Khaled Helioui, Chief Games Officer of Bigpoint.

This weekend’s tournament is just the beginning: in the future more than ten thousand spectatorsare expected to join the monthly Bigpoint Battle to watch eight leading international teams competing. Newcomers, who have presented themselves as highly talented during preliminary competition, will have the chance to make their first step to start a professional e-sports career by competing against the professionals.

The current format allows newcomers to test their skill against established teams and will raise awareness around pro-gaming around the world. Competitive gaming has always been a key focus for Bigpoint and this is why we have been increasingly pushing PvP gameplay and events in our games, notably in Battlestar Galactica Online, Pirate Storm and most recently Drakensang Online,” mentions Khaled Helioui.

Source of informations: Bigpoint press release

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