Bounty Hounds Online Closed Beta keys winners

And the lucky winners of the Bounty Hounds Online Closed Beta Keys are:

1 - Francisco Nogueira
2 - KijWi
3 - Bradley
4 - Théo Garnier
5 - Allen
6 - FirebatMoogle
7 - rascalpuppjay
8 - totodes
9 - Thorryy
10 - Three Lee
11 - Apekwhutt
12 - migue
13 - Nixy
14 - Corey Keith
15 - Bashuk13
16 - Gert
17 - Senuma
18 - CoshBane
19 - Marque
20 - Giken
21 - Jasteratz
22 - svnhddbst
23 - 達米安
24 - Okky
25 - Melan
26 - cobra regala
27 - SPermie
28 - Visceroth
29 - Milan
30 - REDZ
31 - Jeff
32 - StevenCrux
33 - Dis
34 - byakuei
35 - Michael
36 - jason
37 - Jerome
38 - falq
39 - Melanie Rood
40 - Anthony
41 - chris
42 - Hubbard
43 - Aleka Ovidiu
44 - Kaspars
45 - Ekin
46 - Leones
47 - blackmass
48 - Hades
49 - Incognito
50 - Dasmc

We will send the keys of your closed beta to the emails indicated in the contest post. If any of the winners has not set their real email, answer this post and indicate your real email. Enjoy your closed beta, and if you have any problems, do not hesitate to tell us.

2 Comentarios de Bounty Hounds Online Closed Beta keys winners

  1. rascalpuppyjay

    Hehe thank you 😀

  2. StevenCrux

    Thank you, I was worried i wasn’t going to get to Test this one.
    Well see you all in game, lets squash those bugs so this game can be GREAT on release!

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