Celebrate chinese new year with War of Legends

To mark the celebration for Chinese New Year in War of Legends, Jagex has released a special New Year themed update including new content, numerous free gifts and a host of player events, every day for the next two weeks.These unique envelopes will include a variety of items worth up to $20 per day, meaning that over the course of two weeks players could receive up to a massive $280 worth of items!, and players can also invade the Wildlands throughout the next two weeks to obtain more hidden riches.

There will also be a number of themed daily tasks to complete, only be available during the two week New Year period and will offer plays a wide variety of rewards designed to help both new and existing players start the New Year with a boost.

1 Comentarios de Celebrate chinese new year with War of Legends

  1. Swin

    I am writing to inform you that you may wish to update your current review of War of Legends that is published by Jagex.
    The latest expansion Buzhou Mountains 1.4 is not proving to be as successful as it is being made out to be.
    I would recommend having a good look at the forums.
    There are serious security flaws across the servers which enables players to access other players accounts.
    This has been going on since they implemented the latest expansion and, despite various attempts at fixing it, is getting worse.
    Being a war game you can imagine the devastation unscrupulous players can do to another players account given free access.
    Recommending this game, in its current state, to potential users of your site may not be in your best interests.



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