Champions Online 8th Anniversary Packs Giveaway

We want to celebrate Champions Online's 8th Anniversary by raffling codes that include two different packs. The raffle will feature 250 codes (25 winning codes) that will be added today, August 31st, at 9pm CEST. If you win, you'll see a "you win" message along with your codes.

Winning codes feature these two packs:

Entry Pack
- 30x Healing Devices
- 5x Costume Change Tokens
- 5x XP Boosters
- 1x Temporary Sidekick (One Hour)
- Full set of leveling gear

Veteran Pack
- 30x Healing Devices
- 5x Costume Change Tokens
- 5x Triumphant Recoveries
- 1x Temporary Sidekick (One Hour)
- Full set of Level 40 gear

If you win, follow the instructions to redeem the keys.

1) Don't miss a giveaway. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Google+.

2) Complete the captcha, then add your email to the field above (beside the “Get Your Key” button). You can only sign up once for this giveaway. If it's the first time you use our system please check your email to validate it and add again the same mail in the field above.

3) Visit Champions Online and register or login with your account.

4) Launch Champions Online and access the C-Store. Claim your packs in the Bonus tab.

And if you want to know more about this title, visit our profile by clicking the "Info" button below.


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