Clash of Avatars Goes Into Open Alpha

Clash of Avatars - news

AMZGame has started the year beginning the Open Alpha of its new browser MMORPG: Clash of Avatars. The game, inspired by the Anime and Cosplay, has opened the doors of the US East server a few days ago allowing access to all players who want to try it.

In the game we can choose three classes, Warrior, Priest and Mage, and explore a vast and colorful world filled with quests, PvP and PvE events and a collect a huge variety of pets and mounts; the game also includes an autopath system that will allow us to move quickly from one point to another automatically.

At the end of this Open Alpha all accounts data will be deleted.

Clash of Avatars image

Soon enough we'll be publishing a first look and our first impressions, so stay tuned.

Source: AMZGame Press Release.

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