Content update for Kitsu Saga

Aeria Games has announced its latest content update for Kitsu Saga that includes a raised level cap, new instanced dungeons and guild wars. Previously the cap was set to level 61 but players can now achieve up to level 70. With a new level cap also comes the ability for higher level players to work alongside lower level players through the new Martial Art Hero Flower. The Martial Art Hero Flower requires high level and low level players to work together and reap rewards through an instanced dungeon.

Guilds can now battle it out in the Heavenly Rites Garden where players can battle from 1v1, 10v10 or up to 100v100. The pride of each guild will rest on fighting each other but winning guilds will also be rewarded with special items and of course bragging rights.

Additional Kitsu Saga content includes:

- New general and class-based quests and 4 new instanced dungeons
- Kitsu Amusement Park System that allows players to play a mini-game giving them the ability to obtain currency to obtain epic prizes.
- New NPC’s throughout Flame Citadel, Iron Claw City and the Imperial City.
- Superb Craftsmanship Carapace where players can obtain rare back equipment by collecting special materials.

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