Dawn of Fantasy presents its first developer diary

505 Games and Reverie World Studios have released a new developer diary that details the development of their upcoming MMORTS, Dawn of Fantasy. In the first dev diary, Lead Writer and Assistant Producer Gordon Farrell details the one of the game's many modes, Stronghold Defense.

Stronghold Defense, the defensive counterpart of the Lay Siege skirmish mode, gives players the opportunity to practice defending a prebuilt stronghold in a quick-paced skirmish. Defensive players have an impressive array of tricks available to set up before the invading army reaches their walls; set up spike traps or plant man-eating plants outside your gate to destroy your attackers, position cavalry outside of your walls to trample enemy units, and construct ranged siege weapons and dozens of other wall-mounted siege defenses.

Be prepared to fight off ruthless attacks from the moment you spot the enemy on the horizon. Repair your damaged walls and buildings after every wave, and keep peasants nearby, ready to put out potentially-devastating fires caused by enflamed enemy arrows. The first wave is easy, the second... not so much. By the third, your king begs for mercy as the enemy breaks into the inner keep.

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