Details on Units & Tactics in Tribal Wars 2

Tribal Wars 2 - news

InnoGames has just released further details on the unit system of their upcoming strategy MMO Tribal Wars 2.

Players will get access to a total of 13 offensive and defensive unit types in order to fight for victory and defeat their opponents on the battlefield. Each unit has its specific strengths and weaknesses, predestining them for certain purposes. Rams, for example, may crush enenmy fortifications nearly effortlessly while archers are an effective defence against foot soldiers.

In this context, a brand new video has been released featuring the game's Lead Designer, Thomas Fischer, who talks about the unit system:

Tribal Wars 2 will provide players with a plethora of new tactics and strategies, allowing newcomers and seasoned veterans of the predecessor alike to discover unexpacted things. New special units, such as the trebuchet and berserkers, will grants players benefits in heated conflicts, whereas mounted archers, for example, are perfectly suited to attack defences primarly relying on archers.

When progressing in the game, players will be able to unlock a new building, the Preceptory, which will give access to even more secret weapons. Depending on their chosen faction, they will have recourse to either berserkers, who fearlessly rush into battle, or the trebuchet, an effective defence against siege weapons. Additionally, the player's tactical advancements will be supported by various generals and their additional abilities.

Source of information: InnoGames press release.

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