Elarien looks for alpha testers

Nurusoft is looking for enthusiastic advanced players from all continents to face test gamers from all over the world on the pre-alpha test server of the upcoming online strategy browser game, Elarien. The test players should have experiences with online browser strategy games. Players will need to fill in an application-form and take part in the alpha testers forum. All selected alpha testers will be looked after through the team including regular chats in the forum with the programming / development team.

The official alpha release will be playable from the 25th of January 2011 onwards. The registration process will end on the 13th of February. Access to the forum will be granted straight after acceptance. The Elarien Alpha Server will be in English and an international set-up with gamers from all over the planet. Regional and localised servers will follow after the official release.

Elarien is yet a better free strategy MMOG due to be released in spring 2011. The lovely illustrated world of Elarien (an elvish name) is based on islands above / in the sky among them Filled with outstanding character units the flying wild ass (flying donkey - a pegasus half breed ) and besides the best practice strategy features like e.g. building an empire, plundering/farming, real time battles, trading etc. Elarien sets focus on the cooperation of it's players: Islands with community productions buildings (if increased all villages / players on the island will profit), alliances with own islands including own alliance buildings and the possibility of combining it's armies to one force for gigantic battles. Plus furthermore: Every Island votes for an Island leader among the players settling on it, he is the only one able to ad new island buildings for the benefit of all.

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