Exclusive giveaway of 50 Bounty Hounds online Closed Beta Keys

Do you know Bounty Hounds online?

Bounty Hounds Online is a free to play Sci-fi MMORPG set in the 25th century, when man´s first encounter with Extraterrestrial Intelligence led to a huge galactic war. It begins its closed beta on 25.05.2011, and we are giving away in exclusive 25 Closed Beta Keys.

Between all players interested, MMOreviews with FreeMMOrpglist will raffle the 25 keys on 26.05.2011.
To join the lottery, you will have to meet one simple requirement, reply this new telling us why you are interested in Bounty Hounds Online. Also, you can win an extra point (an extra chance to win a key) if you are following us on Facebook.

If you meet the facebook extra-requirement, you should leave us written your facebook user name to check it.

87 Comentarios de Exclusive giveaway of 50 Bounty Hounds online Closed Beta Keys

  1. Jeff

    Whoah! I’m extremely interested in Bounty Hounds Online! I’ve been following this game for a while, and am super excited for a Sci-Fi mmo to appear!!

    Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/Blastiken

  2. Manmac89

    Hey.I am interested in BHO because of his genre…a sci-fi mmo that i think is quite rare on mmorpg scene nowadays.
    Facebook- http://www.facebook.com/mdallagrassa

  3. Bradley

    I’d appreciate a key, been following this game for quite a few months in and out. That and I loved the the PSP version.

  4. Francisco Nogueira


    Thats my name 😀

  5. Chris

    Loved the PSP version, can’t wait to try it for the PC! ^^

  6. Michael

    My facebook.

    I’ve been following this game for quite some time now, been eager to play it and I’m an experienced beta tester so I know what to look for and how to report bugs.

  7. Hubbard


    OMG that game is so Awesome I must play the game. Why? Because I love bounty hounds and the pets rock!!!!!!!! i cant wait to play the game it rocks!!!

  8. Kaspars

    I would realy love to get CB key! Why? Becouse im quite bored and its EU! I mean.. srsly! There ain’t many game’s (and sci-fi based) and in EU!

  9. Théo Garnier

    I would like to play this Close Beta because I’ve apply at InnoGames to work for this game. I need to learn the game perfectly as soon as possible. I also played MMO since few years, but stopped 1 year ago because of the server where I was playing Ragnarok Online closed. I want to play another MMO, and I know this game is awesome.

  10. Ekin

    I’ve always liked Sci-fi MMORPGs, and this is the one which people have expectations from. And me. Great graphics, the factions, good PvP action and fun is what I expect.

  11. CoshBane

    I would like a Key because It’s been a long time I played any good Sci-fi game, and knowing that I know what am doing I would help find bugs that would help the game in the future. Bugs can be exploited by hackers which kills games, but by finding those bugs and reporting them will help close that gate from hackers. May I please Get a Key? 🙂

  12. MeVe

    Im missing a sci-fi mmorpg, I really hope is a good one

  13. TrendyKid

    I’m interested in playing BH because I love sci-fi games, but this one is more innovative than the rest. It’s real time action!

    I am following on facebook. Brandon Hardaway

  14. Leones

    I like sci-fi games and have enjoyed the PSP version. I also follow you on Facebook as Leones Shazam.

  15. Allen

    I love sci-fi games. When rf online was around, I used to play it a lot. I hope I get the opportunity to test this game out.

  16. Gert

    I really love mmorpg’s and seeing the trailer of this new sci-fi mmorpg, It looks really awesome! I’ve been following the game 2-3 months for now and really really really would like to get the opportunity to test this game out. And I would be a real great birthday gift for me (2 days later than release, check my facebook if you don’t believe me)

    I am following on facebook. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1465155084

  17. Mike

    I want to know how far bounty hounds has gone since it surpass psp now and with a online feature plus pet system makes me want to play it even more so i will wait. Mikie Ellis is my facebook name.

  18. rascalpuppyjay

    I’ve been involved in countless MMORPGS, I’m always around and I always make sure im heard when submitting bugs etc. I like to help in anyway possible. I follow both BHO and I’m a “fan” of Mmoreviews ^^

  19. totodes

    I’m really into sci-fi games and this looks great not only because its sci-fi but because it’s different from other sci-fi mmos out there so I’m really interested.

    Following on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/christopherwdean

  20. blackmass

    I love sci-fi games!! :DD
    Following on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000327885489

  21. Jasteratz

    I just hope it is an action mmo with no point and click.It being a sci fi cool psp game just makes it more awesome


  22. Hades


    I am playing Innogames Games for 3 years(TheWest).
    I’m very interrested in Online Games and Strategy game, so, here I am 😀


  23. Thorryy

    I’m a fan of sci-fi mmo’s so I really want to play it. It’s a totaly new world environment, those robotic pets and a new diversity of character, classes with unique customisation is all what I’m dying to check out.

  24. Thorryy

    Ah sorry I forgot this is my facebook profile

  25. KeTo

    I loooove this game on PSP. And I looooove MMOs.
    So…that´s just..amazing 😀

  26. Incognito

    A Sci-Fi mmorpg really sounds like something else for a change, so I’d love to try this.

  27. Tree Lee

    I been looking for a similar game to RF Online for a while, this could be a better version of it. Have quite a bit experience of testing myself so hope I get a key.


  28. Ryu Haruse

    Seeing a new Sci-Fi MMORPG made me say… OMG!!! Now, its time to move on from my 7 year-old sci-fi game to this game!! and go BOOM BOOM BOOM!!!

  29. REDZ

    it seems like RF mixed with monster hunters i couldnt pass up the chance to play it

  30. HellteK

    I hope I get one key because I loved the PSP game and would love to play the MMO <3

    Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000735485674

  31. Apekwhuut

    hey mmoreview,
    I’ve postet my reasons in the facebook comment but post it here again: Im pissed off that most of the next gen mmos atm only are playable ind korea and other asia lands, i follow every day hundreds of sites to stay up to date with raiderz, tera and so on. therefore I ask you to give me a chance to explore one NEW World!

    my facebook:

  32. Dasmc

    well i love the gameplay because is my favourite type of mmo’s and the graphics on the trailer, jesus, everyone love and want to try this amazing game 🙂
    i hope i get my hands on beta key

  33. migue

    i need closed beta key pliss!!!! is the bes game of milelnium https://www.facebook.com/fmikee

  34. Murz

    Sci-fi is my favorite setting, my korean friend many times tells me about this game, and i hoped that this game will appear and in Europe. Thanks for possibility to play in this remarkable game!

    Good luck to all participants of this ivent!


  35. kikobi

    I am a veteran of the original Bounty Hounds on PSP and I am super excited to see this series finally take off from the hand held. It would be a tremendous gift if I could see it first hand!

  36. Nixy

    I would love to be chosen to participate in the CBT of Bounty Hounds Online because as soon as i saw the game it inspired me to write a Sci-Fi Story which i’m still working on. i’d love to see the lush sceneries & characters to see if the game can inspire me much more than it already has.

    Facebook Name: Nicola Hurley

  37. FirebatMoogle

    I would love to try out Bounty Hounds, because I have played the PSP version and would like to test out the MMO one. ;D

  38. DracoTheOne

    The reason why I am interested in playing Bounty Hounds Online is because, of the whole unique Combat Tactical Unit and different factions in the game.
    My name is Timothy Meach on Facebook.com

  39. Corey Keith

    I would love to participate in this game, because I am a huge fan of mmofps! As soon as I saw news about this game, I realized it was something different, and a game that I HAD to check out. I’m keeping my fingers crossed and hoping that this will be a great game that I’ll continue to play for years to come.

  40. Bashuk13

    Cyber punk rulez.

  41. sandkiller

    I would like to get a key for this game because i have been playing MMOs for years and have tried almost every Free/P2P MMOs out there. RF online was a very interesting MMO that caught my attention very quick and this game managed to get my attention even quicker due to all the sci-fi settings. I regularly get involved in closed beta tests and have always been interested in finding any bugs/exploits in all the closed beta games i get into. I enjoyed the bounty hounds in PSP and i think the PC version is going to be even greater. So gimme a key yes?
    Much love.

  42. Senuma

    Hi I am extremely interested in Bounty Hounds and would love to be able to test it out. I have a lot of experience beta testing games. Bounty Hounds interests me because I love Sci-Fi and the classes and pets really interest me. I love testing games and helping to make them the best they can be. I have liked your site on Facebook. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=694538198

  43. Milan

    Woah, this game looks so interesting, hope I get a beta key 🙂

  44. Marque

    Ive been Waiting for this game ever since i seen it so long ago i thought it was the most Bad ass MMO ide ever Soon and is Dien To play it and i liked your Site.

  45. chris

    wow these game looks great i hope i get to play and see you guys in there and i cant wait to try this pet sytem out to

  46. svnhddbst

    i’m interested in trying all mmogs period
    and have tried around 150 different mmos
    not really that different since the games industry is being very unimaginative right now

    and this one stands out as having something different and interesting

  47. 達米安

    It’s a good game,wish I can join the beta..LOL

  48. Okky

    1. I’ve been waiting for this game for so long.
    2. This game have a really good graphics.
    3. I enjoy playing MMORPG.
    4. This game have a unique feature which is CTU, that’s why I really want to try this game.
    5. I like game science fiction MMORPG

  49. Melan

    … was waiting for many many years for a sci-fi mmorpg
    … and this not only is sci-fi, but looks very promising also!!!
    I would love to test it and help in beta with reporting problems,
    finding bugs and suggesting ways of improvement. Bounty Hounds FTW

  50. Adam

    Me and my friends are interested in this becuase we are a sci fi gamers/roleplayers from way back.

  51. cromzefir47


    The reason why I’m interested in this game is because of the game itself ,because is my tipe of game,i like the gameplay and the game story and i cant wait to play,pls ,i want a key ^^
    congratulation to the game creators because is a great game.

    I am following on facebook=http://www.facebook.com/Blastiken#!/profile.php?id=100000644138212

    My name on facebook is =Alex Ilie

  52. cobra regala

    Hi I am extremely interested in Bounty Hounds and would love to be able to test it out. I have a lot of experience beta testing games.I was a tester on APB Reloaded, Champions online,world of tancs etc,
    The reason why I’m interested in this game is because of the game itself ,because is my tipe of game,i like the gameplay and the game story and i cant wait to play,pls ,i want a key ^^
    congratulation to the game creators because is a great game, i cant wait to play^^

  53. Deverse

    I’ve been waiting for this game for a long time now and I would love an opportunity to be in the closed beta, I play often and would surely be an active member and help with any in-game issues.

  54. KijWi

    Now i am crazy about this game, this game is totally my type, i just love the graphic, the story, the game play, etc… So please, please give me a Cb key, i’m dying for this… :((. It’s a GREAT game, and i want to try it 1st.

  55. Vedant

    I am very excited about this game because it looks much better than any other mmorpg of its type, especially the whole futuristic aspect of it.

  56. SPermie

    1. I’ve been waiting for this game for so long.
    2. This game have a really good graphics.
    3. I enjoy playing MMORPG.
    4. This game have a unique feature which is CTU, that’s why I really want to try this game.
    5. I like game science fiction MMORPG

  57. Paul Anka

    I´d love to have a key too!
    I´m a big Sci-Fi fan… and..ofc MMO-fan^^

  58. Paweł

    I love SCI-FI I Please send me key 🙂 Love and Peace

  59. Visceroth

    This game has some serious potential first of all because it steps away from the poin and click mmo style and also because it is one of the very few sci fi MMO’s (and the only action sci fi MMO).

  60. Valac

    I have always been fan of scifi stuff and scifi games. Also been plying mmo’s for years now, so this would be really nice 🙂

  61. StevenCrux

    I should receive a beta key, because I have alot of experience beta testing MMOs. I know how to report bugs and fixes rather then complain about them as if it’s a “first to play” and not a testing period. Bounty hounds stands out to me as being something new, and different from the normal mass of MMOs. It looks like a great next-gen AAA MMO and i would love a chance to test it and help make it better.

    Thank you,

  62. Dis

    Wish i can get a key.

  63. byakuei

    I like awesome scy-fy games, and this one looks like one, i would like to try it.

  64. Gerardo

    im interested in playing the beta of bounty hounds sounds and looksl ike a great game!

  65. Aleka Ovidiu

    Wohohoho, I wanna play

  66. jason

    I want to play this because im an MMO addict, and i loved this game on the psp. gimme something to do over the summer!!!!

  67. Glenn

    Simply love sci-fi mmos, and this one looks like it’s going to be great!

  68. Jerome

    I would love to try it !
    First, it would remind me the times I played Tabula Rasa. After watching the trailer, I must admit, that I was quite impressed by the quality of the graphics and animations. I would be also very honored to help improve this games by giving feedbacks and bug reports as relevant as possible !

  69. The noob

    I would like to get a key because I like sci-fiction mmo 🙂

  70. slydex

    I would like to get a key for Bounty Hoinds Online Beta btcause I’am fan of this game and I follow it near 6 months!
    It would be great!

  71. falq

    hello ive been looking forward to this game for some time and was hoping to be able to join the beta

  72. Melanie Rood

    I want to test it for 2 simple reasons…
    #1 I am a game addict…
    #2 Bounty Hounds just look soo cool…

    Also I worked for Gpotatoe as a translator for Rappelz
    And I worked for Ndoors as a Home GM/tester/translator… for Atlantica
    As you can see I love mmo’s so much that it sometime turn into a job^-^;

    All this to say that I will be really pleased to receive a beta key…
    And if I find …errors,bugs or any problems I will let you know.

    Facebook : Melanie Rood

  73. Anthony

    I would love to play bounty hounds online closed beta because i was wating to play berkanix since 2009 but still korean and now this comes out and i think this is way much better then berkanix so i wish i test bounty hounds online soon as possible thank you.

  74. Vankash

    I’ve played Bounty Hounds on the PSP. Was very Happy that they announce it for PC since my PSP got broken :S

  75. chris

    So when are these beta keys being given out and how well we know if we get one or not cuz i have no idea what is going on its the 26th and havent seen anything so idk if theres a bug or something but hey get thous keys out there

  76. Cédric

    I want to come in the Closed Beta 🙂 I love the games from Innogames!

    Ich hope really i become so a Key 🙂

  77. Tom

    Hell Yeah! This game is what I was looking forward to!! I mean… a modern sci-fi epg with awesome graphics and nice universe?? what’s not to like?? I would LOVE to play this mmo;) I even wrote a “poem” about it 😉

    Bounty Hounds – have no bounds
    Rip it, slice it, shoot it right
    This is how we fight!
    Awesome armor and some gadgets
    this is how we kill the maggots! 😉

    Hope I get a key

  78. bach

    Cooooool!!! Really like it 😉

  79. bruiser15

    interested in the game of bounty hounds, would like a closed beta key please

  80. kriz

    this game is thrilling i’d like to play cbt…..please give me a beta key i’m eager to play

  81. MarcusDS

    Hello, I am not american, but I am sending menssages to germans,poloneses,frenchs,spanishs sites (google translate 4ever XD)because I wanttttt to playyyyyyy, send me a key plsss
    Hotmail: marcio.eu.marcio@hotmail.com

  82. jEdward VII

    whoa…i’ve been following the game for some time now.and im waiting for the realease of the open beta.but if i can get my hands on a beta key i would spend my day playing it.cool interface.cool graphics.cool pvp.cool pve what more can you ask for.
    i also followed you on facebook my e-add is jedward_25@Yahoo.com.ph

  83. tewwer

    Yea finally i can win a key! i would really like one cause i’v heard rumours about this game and would love to try it…

  84. Stefanseba

    I would really need a key ='(

  85. Kabar

    I have a lot of experience with online games, great communicator, and I would love to be a part of building BHO into a world wide phenomenon.

  86. aarya reddy

    i have played inno games since a year and especially grepolis and im interested in this game very far and i like to play these types of games .please send me a beta key

  87. undead

    i can’t get a beta key from no where…this is sad…any onegot one taht they would give to me?

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