Fiesta Online: new dungeons

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For fans of the fantasy MMORPG Fiesta Online, the Christmas season starts a bit earlier this year, and with a bundle of new excitement. The game's developers will surprise players upon their next login with two brand new Instant Dungeons waiting to be explored by groups that dare to enter.

Players from levels 20 to 45 can now confront the fearless monsters in the Tower of Izyel. Together with Maria, the former assistant to these creature's creator, they will fight to reconquer the once-white tower. We've also opened the door for advanced Fiesta Online players to enter the lair of the sleeping dragons. Thrill-seekers should beware that these blood-thirsty behemoths are not sleeping as soundly as they might hope...

On their expedition to the magic isle, players join thousands of others to battle miscreants while building their characters, forging friendships and fighting for fame and fortune. A special highlight are the Kingdom Quests, where groups of up to thirty join together on a mission.


Check here our review of Fiesta Online.

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