Devilian is a free to play MMO Action RPG from Trion Worlds/Bluehole where players will find themselves stepping into the shoes of a half-devil hero out to save your world from the corrupting evil that threatens everyone. With action based combat for PVE and PVP the game has a wealth of features to explore as four different classes and competitive ranked gameplay. The game is free to play but after putting it through our F2P Meter, starting at 100% and removing points as we ask questions, we’ll find out just how free it is.
Does it require purchasing?
The game is completely free to download and play.
Does it have monthly subscription fee?
'No' (but...) ― -5%
There’s an optional subscription plan where players can become a “Patron” which gives them expanded benefits and exclusive Patron-only features, XP bonuses, improved login rewards, accessibility to your warehouse from anywhere in the world, and much more. Users are able to purchase Patron status as a single non-recurring item using Credits premium currency, however, players are able to earn DEX items in game that can be exchanged for Credits and so can buy their Patron status through playing the game.
Do you have to pay for expansions and/or DLC packs?
'Yes' ― -15%
The game has released a “Class Pack” for the newest class addition to the game, the Tempest. Players can spend £11.49 to buy the DLC and give themselves the ability to use the new class, which otherwise is not available.
Does the game support micro-transactions? Can anything be purchased in-game using real world money?
'Yes' ― -5%
Yes players can buy numerous things using cash in the in game store including equipment and buffs, there are a few starter packs that grant access to additional blessings, supplies, materials and credits that can be spent in the cash store.
Do micro-transactions give advantages in any way?
'Yes' (but...)
The primary advantage is convenience, though there is nothing (other than the Tempest class) that can’t be earned in game in time so there doesn’t seem to be any obvious pay to win mechanic in play.
Is full UI customization restricted?
There are no customization options.
Does the game grant access to all the available races and/or classes ?
'No' ― -15%
Players must purchase the Tempest class as a DLC spending real money.
Does the game have limitations to how the Market system is accessed?
'No' (but...)
There are no limitations, but players who are Patrons get discounts on Sale Fees and do not have item registration fees, which free to play/non-Patrons do have, as well as this Patrons can access the Auction House from anywhere.
Are inventory slots and/or personal bank slots limited in any way?
'Yes' ― -10%
Players are limited to the standard number of inventory slots, players can purchase more with the different available packs.
Are all zones accessible without purchases?
'Yes' (but...)
The game has a stamina system which players use up by going into dungeons, once their stamina is depleted they have to wait a long period of time for it to replenish before they can carry on playing. However, players do have the option of spending cash to buy refresh potions which will instantly replenish stamina.
Is High-end Content (PvP or PvE raids) restricted?
Players can generally access all the end game content for free.
Can you fully enjoy the game without paying a single 'penny'?
'Yes' ― +10%
Devilian has a lot to offer in terms of features, PVE and PVP, and whilst there are a lot of payment walls in place they are easily scaled if players are willing to do without certain things. Whilst restrictions on the dungeons (how many times a day you can do them before running out of stamina) can be a hindrance, for casual players it’s not that much of a problem. For hardcore players then they could optionally try to earn some DEX then trade it for Credits to buy refresh potions if they felt inclined; awkward but doable.
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