Free Realms’ treasure trader app launches on Facebook

Free Realms,  is coming to Facebook. Launching today, the Free Realms Treasure Trader application lets players gift or snag items from their friends to earn codes for rewards that are redeemable in the Free Realms Marketplace. Treasure Trader players have the option to generously give an item to a friend in the spirit of Chatty, or mischievously steal from a friend’s inventory ala Robbie. But wait! The victim of theft is allotted 24 hours to answer a Free Realms trivia question, and a correct answer will save their item. To play Treasure Trader search for “Free Realms Treasure Trader” on Facebook.

The winning racetrack from the Racetrack Forum Challenge is also on its way into Free Realms. Players submitted their racetrack designs on the Free Realms Forum, and the winner, The Diamond Back racetrack, will soon be available in Snowhill for all players to race through.

Check here all you need to know about Free Realms. And visit its official website.

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