– Gamescom 2012 – Firefall exclusive presentation

Our team had the chance to speak with David Williams from Red 5 Studios about its MMOFPS Firefall. The game has becomed a different game since we interviewed David past year, now it has a faster pace, and players have now more control over their characters which makes the game more competitiveand harder to master.

The classes have also been changed, being now capable of perform different roles which throws more variables into the equation.

Firefall has been running several months in Closed Beta stage so far, and Red 5 Studios has listened the community and has performed major changes in almost every single aspect of the game, delaying the game development but  improving the game a lot. Firefall now has evolving and dynamic events throughout the world, characters progression broken down into tiers, its first vehicles, and has announced a future vehicle upgrade and customization system.

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