[GamesCom] Vindictus time

During GamesCom, we sat with Scott Yoo, marketing and PR manager for Nexon Europe, to talk about Vindictus, the first physics-based multiplayer action role-playing game that combines stunning visuals with high-speed combat.

Vindictus uses a modified Source engine to enable actions like throwing, shattering, binding with chains, piercing with spears, and more. As characters take more damage in the game, their armor starts to disintegrate and fall off.




It will be a free to play game which will feature a cash shop. But if you are worried about, Scott told us that they want a fair game. So, within the digital store you could find virtual items which won't affect the gameplay. For example: decoration items, exp boosts and that kind of stuff.

"Defeating bosses and clearing dungeons in Vindictus requires cooperation and strategy. While one player uses weapons like chain whips to pin giant bosses in place, the other party members sneak behind to attack or stand on the sidelines to cast healing spells to replenish everyone's strength. Parties of up to four can enter dungeons together and dungeons vary for each Battle Quest ensuring players will never get bored. Raid parties can grow to as many as eight."

He talked too about the closed beta. Europeans will have to wait till December to join the game and the starting language will be english. But, probably, many languages will come in the future. Scott mentioned german, italian, french and spanish.

One of the more special features is the leveling system. Depending on how many attacks you did, and the time you spent to complete a map, you will be rewarded with score points which will define your experiencie points later. You will need around ten minutes to complete a map successfully.

"Vindictus will redefine the free to play games market. "

Check here all you need to know about Vindictus. And visit its official website.

2 Comentarios de [GamesCom] Vindictus time

  1. Gorn

    Yeaaa awesome i’m waiting for the european beta.

  2. Grompok

    Cool!!! =) I have heard that they gonna release Vindictus in Europe on December 4. I hope this rumor is true. =P

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