Developed by Zombie Studios and offshoot company Hardsuit Labs, Blacklight Retribution is a free to play FPS MMO in a cyberpunk setting that focuses on fast paced team based battles. Allowing for a wide variety of weapons and gear customization, one of the biggest features is the games’ Hyper Reality Visor that allows player to see through walls. With many pros and cons that it has accrued over its years of development, here are some of our big ones.
HRV (Hyper Reality Vision/Visor) - A unique system where players can activate a hyper vision to see through objects including walls, the floor and ceiling, and pick up the location of allies and enemies across the map, adding extra strategy and ideal camping prevention
Fast Pace – Mostly due to the HRV system, players can’t afford to stand still for too long as enemies congregate on their position, meaning players are always on the move and combat is extremely intense
Detailed Weapon Customization – Weapons can be customized with a variety of attachments and modular components, from muzzles, scopes, stocks and more, meaning thousands of weapon variations to compliment a player’s play style
Great Graphics – Constantly improving, the maps, textures, particles, explosions and more all look amazing, some maps give huge viewpoints of the map, or high up on rooftops to see the entire city below, which looks super impressive
Stealthing – Although it isn’t a unique aspect, stealth appearing in many FPSs, players can focus on being pure melee stealth assassins, completely invisible unless revealed with HRV, meaning entering an area then switching to HRV and seeing a melee enemy running at you can really get the adrenaline pumping!
The Parity Patch – One of the biggest gripes for many PC gamers was the Parity Patch that merged the PS4 and PC versions of the game into one game; whilst bringing many positive changes, it fundamentally changed the PC version and cut a lot of features (game modes, maps, player mail, inventory). The PC version seemed to come out worse, especially when it came to losing real money, many items were cut from the game that had been purchased with Zen (premium currency), or Merchant Passes, all of which were removed from the game with no refunds…
Hacks and Glitches – Aside from generally being quite buggy (particularly post-Parity) with freak glitches such as the enemy team appearing the same colour as allied teammates, generally terrible framerates, the game has long had a well-known (and often used) aimbot/wallhack software that players can install
Expensive Modifications – Although there are high levels of customization, the parity changes meant that where previously players could buy a single scope they liked and switch it between their weapons freely, now they need to buy that scope multiple times if they want access to it on multiple weapons, which gets costly
Removed Recoil – The PC version had weapon recoil, which is always a great benchmark to determine player skill, as the game was brought in line with the console version Recoil was completely removed for most weapons, which has massively changed the gameplay… much to the detriment of the game
Game Crashes – One more, since the Parity Patch particularly, the game seems to be plagued with performance issues and game crashes, players constantly losing connection during battles making it unplayable at times
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