Lords Online has launched a new dungeon instance, the Lair

Lords Online players no longer need to worry about their heroes lacking sufficient power in combat, because IGG’s LO team is opening entrances to the Lair to all heroes. Inside they will encounter monsters of various levels, and the challenge will not be finding them but defeating them.  Use the Lair to level up a hero while you take care of building your kingdom’s strength and resources for the battles to come.

There are two entrances to Lair. One is through the cave in the foothills, and the other is through the tomb. While their heroes are leveling up in the Lair, players can return to normal gameplay and continue improving their kingdoms. Like a boot camp for heroes, the Lair turns your champions into hardened soldiers in no time.

The Lair consists of 5 levels that increase in difficulty as one travels deeper. NPCs on every level assign your hero various tasks to test their abilities. Heroes must complete all tasks on a level before advancing to the next one. The tougher challenges reap the heftiest rewards, so the more time a hero spends in the Lair, the more they get out of it.

Check here all you need to know about Lords Online. And visit its official website.

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