Luna’s latest expansion, Luna Plus, is now live

Luna Plus, the first expansion of Luna Online, is now live. This major expansion will increase the level cap from 120 to 150 and introduce a brand new race as well as new job changes at level 145.  Players will be able to explore seven new high level zones, raid massive new dungeons, and battle hundreds of amazing new monsters!

In addition to new features like Guild vs. Guild Castle Siege and daily random instance dungeons, Luna Plus has a completely overhauled skill and stat system, giving way to more than 500 new or rebalanced skills. For new players, a revamped starting zone will make getting into the action more fun and easier than ever.

Not only has the farm system been expanded but a brand new amusement park system has been added, letting players customize their own carnival! For those that love customization, Luna Plus’s housing system has over 5000 different items to stack and interact with, plus a 360 degree rotation view to make sure rooms are set up just right!  From a wizard’s wardrobe to a pet nursery, the possibilities are endless and also rewarding as house guests provide benefits and buffs.

Luna Plus also introduces 60 combat pets that level with players and boast unique signature skills from silencing targets to dealing damage. In addition to pets, with eight-person mounts and solo travel on anything from UFOs to a Fighting Sea Serpent, getting around the Blue Land has never looked so good.

1 Comentarios de Luna’s latest expansion, Luna Plus, is now live

  1. longtime Luna player

    The death of the fun game.
    Luna plus was a colossal failure. Most of the game is still as of today’s date, not complete. The descriptions for the items are in a foreign language, along with item pictures that are simply question marks, symbols.
    customer service, which used to be great and very helpful left a lot of players without usable armor or items. Making high-level characters useless. When asked for useless items replaced customer service. Simply stated, quote,” we do not replace items due to developer changes.”

    This left a huge rift. Long-time loyal players who have spent weeks or months of playing and/or cash in the cash shop acquiring high level items were left with nothing and an uncaring customer service to help.

    As a result of these actions. A lot of the entire guilds have left the game. Can you blame them??

    We all waited eagerly for when Luna plus would come out. When it arrived it destroyed characters, trust and left an incomplete game with daily bugs, not to mention the uncaring customer support.

    I will leave you with these words from customer support. We apologize for any inconvenience you just have to play it the way it is.

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