Metal Assault introduces its Playable Characters

Aeria Games proudly presents an exciting video introduction to Metal Assault’s deadly, fully-trained team of assassins, each of whom you definitely do not want to meet in a darkened alley on evening stroll.  They are, however, the perfect skilled killers for exterminating mobs of rogue terrorists in Metal Assault’s non-stop mercenary warfare.  Which homicidal soldier matches your preferred assault strategy?

The cast of playable characters in Metal Assault:

  • Well-Rounded Recruit – A balanced skill set complete with a personal quest for vengeance, Carl is the perfect choice for new players.

  • Brutal Warrior – A seasoned soldier with the scars to prove it, Burton is fully stocked with hit points and strength, but slower on speed and long range tactics.

  • Speedy Sniper – Prefer to hang back and take out enemies before they hear you coming? Marie is a fast and deadly sniper, but weaker in close-range combat.

  • Scout and Support – Round out your team with Ai, a speedy and nimble recruit.

Once you select a hero, you can customize your appearance and start playing. Complete quests and defeat enemies to earn experience points and upgrade licenses. Through cunning attacks and enemy-flattening strategy, you will be able to consistently boost your character’s weapons, skills and outfits until you finally emerge as the ultimate executioner.  You will need all the ammo, aptitude and firepower you can muster to blaze your way through this side-scrolling, frenzied action shooter!

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