Metal Assault starts today its open beta

Aeria Games, has announced today the launch of the Open Beta for Metal Assault.

Metal Assault has received several notable content updates for its Open Beta release. Additional PvP maps, new cooperative missions, and a new Zombie game mode is now available to everyone.

Metal Assault’s Open Beta new content:

Content Updates in Open Beta – Fight your friends in the new Zombie PvP mode, team up for additional co-op missions, test out the upgraded quest system, and explore new PvP maps.
OBT Forum Contests – Interact with the vibrant Metal Assault community for a series of fun Open Beta events. Enter contests for best desktop and most realistic in-game weapon drawing. Compete for a chance to get your most creative mask design incorporated into the game.
In-Game Events – To celebrate Metal Assault’s Open Beta, our game masters have planned multiple in-game events. Watch the calendar for timed EXP boosts, Drop Rate increases and other Open Beta exclusive bonuses.

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