MLB Dugout Heroes gets Season 3 update

GamesCampus has launched a huge new update that includes exciting new features for Season 3 of MLB Dugout Heroes.  Among the many new features are more Stadiums, AI Take Over, A Team Home Run Derby contest, a new Scout/ Recruiting feature and new Fielding Errors.

New Stadiums
Two new stadiums have been added to MLB Dugout Heroes.

AI Takeover
Season 3 will now have the option for players to continue the game against the computer.

Team Home Run Derby
Players will now have a chance to gather up to nine of their friends and compete in an intense 5 on 5 home run derby with this exciting new feature.


This fun new feature will allow players to dispatch a scout to help recruit players for their team. The scout will recruit based on needs specified by the player such as pitcher, batter or division.

Recruiting Free Agents
Players will now have the opportunity to recruit up to three free agents for their team. The free agents will be in mid-season form and ready to be starters in their starting rotation.

Fielding Errors
Three new types of errors will soon be included in MLB Dugout Heroes.

New Animations
In addition to the all the new features, Season 3 brings several animations that have been added to enhance gameplay.

New Ladder Channel (Coming Soon)
Players will be randomly paired up with an opponent for a 9-inning game that will count towards their overall rank!  The rankings, up to the top 100 will be available in-game and will be updated daily.

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