More Iris Online Closed Beta keys

The Closed Beta of Iris Online runs through October 29th, and we are giving away 1000 Closed Beta keys. If you want yours, click over the image below and follow the instructions.

Visit its official website.

2 Comentarios de More Iris Online Closed Beta keys

  1. Soldier25k

    Hi i click on the image to get iris beta key. Then it takes me to the iris site to follow instructions. Says to put your email in and recieve closed beta key. I click the recieve beta key link and it doesn’t work. The instructions below it says to go to this site to get your key. Then this site says click the image to and it takes you to iris online. As you can see this can go on forever without recieveing a key…

  2. MMO Reviews

    Once you type your e-mail and get your key (, visit this site ( Then you must to create a gPotato account. And in your account management you can add your Iris Online key.

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