New defensive wasteland technology has arrived to Fallen Earth

Reloaded Productions has announced today that Fallen Earth has discovered a new defensive wasteland technology which brings new armor suits with procs, to provide more survivability during PvP battles and standard gameplay.

Additionally, the Reloaded Productions team is increasing the functionality and effectiveness of the Gamma radiation-powered mutation skill lines, based on player feedback and hundreds of hours of play testing. As a result, the entire population of the wasteland will receive two free full respecs, resetting all AP, player statistics and skills.

"The G.O.R.E weapons we introduced last year have proven to be popular and sought after, so we decided to offer up something that could help level the playing field against these incredibly powerful weapons,” said Asa Reed, producer of Fallen Earth, Reloaded Productions. “Like the G.O.R.E weapons, the Stage 3 Coresuits are entirely created by players, using parts and resources found in the wasteland, along with one key ingredient exclusively through farming."

Our goal is to challenge and reward our long-term players with new, powerful end-game armor, while also introducing our first-ever proc-based armor” Reed added.

Source of informations: Gamersfirst press release.

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