New exclusive Bounty Hounds Closed beta keys giveaway

Do you know Bounty Hounds online? In the last week, we hosted a raffle with 50 keys. Given the interest, now MMOReviews and FreeMMORPGlist are giving away 20 Closed Beta keys more.

If you don't know it, Bounty Hounds Online is a free to play Sci-fi MMORPG set in the 25th century, when manΒ΄s first encounter with Extraterrestrial Intelligence led to a huge galactic war.

Between all players interested, we will raffle the 20 keys on thursday, 02.06.2011.Β Β Β 
To join the lottery, you will have to meet one simple requirement, reply this new telling us why you are interested in Bounty Hounds Online. Also, you can win an extra point (an extra chance to win a key) if you are following us on Facebook.

23 Comentarios de New exclusive Bounty Hounds Closed beta keys giveaway

  1. mathix

    I’m like the desing of Bounty Hounds Online.
    Can i get a key?

  2. Makao

    The Sci-Fi Setting looks very nice.
    So please give me a key πŸ™‚

  3. Leggerrr

    Please I want one!

  4. Avenger

    The game has great graphics and the classes and groups look great. Most of my friends have keys and the chance to have one would be an easy way to stay in touch with them

  5. chete

    im really interested on trying this game, i’ve played tons of MMORPG and i think this could be an awsome one

  6. Soulcealer

    This game has all the makings of a great sci-fi mmo of which there are few and far between. It has great graphics, big weapons, and a sci-fi setting. Forget the fantasy of wow or rift, sign me up for Bounty Hounds Online

  7. jellyfish

    This game seems awesome from what I’ve seen about it. It is a breath of fresh air from all the other mmos and I really want to play it. So please give me a key too.

  8. Debodic

    First this game looks amazing. Second its a nice change of pace from the standard fantasy setting. Third OMG transforming robot pets *nerds out*. Sorry bout that, got a little excited.


    this game is so amazing i relly need a key : )

  10. SolBalmung

    Well to be honest, Im a big fan of science fiction and futuristic era’s, I already played the phantasy star online games, love mecha based one too (like Armored Core and Front Mission) and love it when the plot is centred about mercernaries looking for jobs in a new land! Bounty Hounds online totally picked my interest when I first saw it, Futuristic technologies, a world invaded by aliens, 3 mercenary groups competing in a rash world, robotic pets that can transform and much more! Its a bit lengthy but well this is why I really wanna try out Bounty Hounds.

  11. LightNeO

    In my opinion it should be something new, excellent graphic, very interesting system of classes and presence of the distant weapon in all classes, unique system pets with transformations… a good gaming experience in pvp combat with good looking moves abilitys skills and able to play the style I want without being limited to either melee or ranged attacker at any given time. That`s why i want to get a key.

  12. Etakon

    I just heard of this game, and wanted to check it out. I’m an avid gamer with a beast gaming rig, so I have no problems with any games. Feeling rather bored with single player games like Witcher 2 so I wanted to see if this game is really as great as they say πŸ˜›

  13. Sol-blackguy

    In my opinion it should be something new, excellent graphic, very interesting system of classes and presence of the distant weapon in all classes, unique system pets with transformations… a good gaming experience in pvp combat with good looking moves abilitys skills and able to play the style I want without being limited to either melee or ranged attacker at any given time. That`s why i want to get a key.

  14. Brian

    I am always on the lookout for sci fi games πŸ˜€ i saw MOST of the youtube trailers. I’ve been expecting this game for quite a while now.

    I usually decides quickly and dont waste time on non interesting games. But i had a big liking to this game, so i just had to try out the CBT πŸ˜€

    I played most of sci fi MMORPGs, played SRT since SNES till PS2. played Sci Fi games on GBA and NDS. and it would kill me if i cannot get to try this game.

    And i promise ill promote your website using twitter and facebook account (hey, i work in a soc med agency :p)

    Please OH PLEASE

  15. Robert

    I Play another game made by Innogames, Grepolis, and i saw the game at the top as advertisement so i checked it out. It looks like a good game.

    I am going to starting to do youtube video commentary about some games and i would love join the first people to play this game, in addition to getting it known out there.

    To do this I need a beta key.

    Thank you for your time.

  16. Huggan


    This game look awesome, i want a key.

  17. GosuSensei

    Got any keys left? Looks like there are only 16 posts under the news and you got 20 keys.

    Would love to play this game since any other games are boring, useless asian grinders. This game seems really awesome.

  18. BlackOutz

    Hi guys!, i’m so excited with this game, the design and the graphics are awesome for a browser game!!! Can i get a key please ? x.x

  19. Urgi

    Hello, this game is rly cool, i wanted to test it first time i saw it πŸ˜‰ Im following it progress from first time, so >.< Can i haz a key ?

  20. fhkidz

    The game has great graphics and the classes and groups look great. Most of my friends have keys and the chance to have one would be an easy way to stay in touch with them

  21. Draconas

    I have watched a few videos and saw something that made me want to try this, an early level pet mechanical raptor that fires missiles from its mouth. enough said, must play.

  22. jr.

    Can i get a key?

  23. eldindor

    can i get betakey too ?

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