New info of World of Darkness

The producers of the World of Darkness the future vampire based MMO stated their philosophy in making this MMO was "human interaction". They feel that is limited in the current crop of MMO's and their biggest weakness. They are trying to emulate the feel of LARPing more then EVE or any other game system with this MMO. They are aware the WoD is a adult setting and the devs are going to not shy away from gore, blood and nudity, however such will have a reason and not adult content for the sake of adult content.

As they say everyone starts as a mortal, becoming kindred(a vampire) in optional and can not be forced on you. You can play he entire game as a mortal only and there will be final death for both mortals and kindred. ONLY kindred on release of game, no were's, mages, etc. However those other supernaturals may be used in a NPC fashion or/and their lore appear in game, Caitiff will NOT be in on release.

The game dont have a day/night cycle, only night. Also the players can climb the ladder and get to Prince levels of power and run a city and they get this power without killing a single thing, all done via networking, politics and friendships. The casual players will find the game accessible but hard core players will have a much deeper experience and more rewards/benefits.

Next year is when more specific info and details will come out.

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