New pet and features on the new Content Update of Last Chaos

Aeria Games, is set to release new content for its premiere title, Last Chaos, which includes a new gameplay system and combat pets.

Players now have the chance to obtain the mighty Lizard Lingko and the bat demon Lilith.

The mighty lizard Lingko, is a mysterious amphibian who at a certain level will evolve into a Battle Lingko. When the lizard is fully evolved, players have the ability to use the Lizard Lingko as an attacking companion.
Lilith joins players in the form of a bat to help in combat. Over time it will become a bat demon impressive size of a human and the player can use as a mount. Since that time, Lilith may also take the form of women and to help the player with new abilities.

Also included on this content update:

· Expansion of Akan Temple: Last Chaos will be introducing new modes to Akan Temple with new monsters, npc’s and gear!

· Laca Ball System: Players have the chance to use tokens to win rare and valuable items in-game.

· Reformed Castle Siege: A new and improved Castle Siege that guilds can participate in on a weekly basis.

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