New updates on the Magic formation of Dragon’s Call

The Combine Magic Formation system has been warmly welcomed by Dragon's Call players since its release. Recently, EverDream Studio have made some modifications to the system based on players' suggestions just in order to bring in more convenient and relaxing gaming experiences.  The modifications are the follow:

1. Removed “Spirit Core”
Only the Magic Scroll is needed now.

The steps for combining the magic formation are modified as:
a. Put the Magic Scroll into the middle slot
b. Click “Generate”
c. The scroll disappears and items will be automatically refreshed
d. Choose an item and click “Start Magic Formation”
e. Combine successfully

2. “Magic Scroll I” will bring the same possibility as other items in the course of divining.

3. Adjusted Item Color
After combining successfully, the name of the item you get from the magic formation at the lower left will be shown in golden instead of green.

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