Nosgoth enters Closed Alpha

Square Enix and Psyonix have started the Closed Alpha for their free-to-play competitive multiplayer game Nosgoth, inviting gamers in North America and throughout Europe to take part. To mark this occasion, a selection of the first in-game screenshots have been released.


In Nosgoth, there's raging a brutal war between Humans and Vampires in the struggle to control their broken land. And for the first time, players can take an active part in this event. They have a range of classes within each race, an arsenal of deadly weapons and an array of customisation at their disposal, forcing them to rely on strategy, communication and team work to become victorious and fight another day.

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To join the exclusive Closed Alpha, players may now register at the official website as the number of invitations is extremely limited.

Source of information: Square Enix press release.

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