Occupation Mode arrives to Mission Against Terror today

Mission Against Terror (M.A.T.) today launches Occupation Mode, with a twist. Alongside the hotly anticipated new game mode which brings hardcore, capture-the-flag-style gameplay comes the chance to win the most unique and priceless weapon so far seen, the Golden AK-47.

"We have been saving this announcement for just the right moment," said Sam Ho, Director, Wicked Interactive. "With the frenzy of excitement over Occupation Mode, it seemed like the perfect time to blow everyone's minds with this news. The Golden AK-47 is the ultimate showpiece for the M.A.T. community."

The Lottery System enables players to take a break from a raw competition of Occupation Mode. Just like any other lottery, players step up, lay down their ticket and spin an actual wheel that appears right in the middle of the screen. The Golden AK-47 is merely the ultimate prize; there are plenty more for those who are feeling lucky.

"There are a whole assortment of weapons that the Lottery System offers," added Ho. "Many, like the Golden AK-47, are one-of-a-kind items that cannot be purchased. We hope the M.A.T. Community enjoys the new System. It's our way of helping them forget the winter doldrums.

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