Perfect World Intenational adds a new skill, runecrafting

PWI: Genesis is the first expansion to have a new crafting skill, and that skill is known as Runecrafting.

Runecrafting is basically the creation of consumable items that apply a thirty to sixty minute buff to the weapon of your choice.

At lower skill levels of Runecrafting, the only possible buffs are the standard +STR/+DEX/+VIT/+MAG, but once you reach higher skills levels, you will gain the ability to craft runes that grant far more powerful buffs-- ones that can increase stats like +Crit, -Chan, and Atk/Def level.

Gaining the ability to craft runes will require some serious questing, much of which can be aided significantly by your factionmates.

Another aspect of the profession is that the buff gained from an installed rune will not only have a statistical change, but a visible one as well. The effect will depend on the level and type of rune, and can vary wildly.

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