Raid mode, a new game mode for Heroes in the Sky today announced a new mode for Heroes in the Sky, Raid Mode, has been launched today. The new Raid Mode will feature furiously fast-paced battle plus a chance to win great prizes at the end of a "raid".

The latest feature to launch in Heroes in the Sky will take players to an alternate reality where Super Nazi's, a villainous faction unlike anything players have ever seen before, rein supreme.  The all-new Raid Mode will pit 16 players up against the mightiest of foes and have them battling at break-neck speed with well armed boats and planes, travel through unyielding canyon areas and end it all against a titanic boss!

"Raid Mode will take players by storm with some of the fastest and most intense battles available in third person shooters today," said Uyen Uyen Ton Nu, head of Marketing for GamesCampus.  "Not only are we thrilled to bring this new update to our community of players, but we think they are going to really like the series of fantastic prizes that go along with the Raid."

In addition to all the furious battle, at the end of the "Raid" a series of fantastic prizes will be presented to the entire party.  Players will have a shot at rolling for anything they want - with the highest roll winning -- including veteran gear, veteran upgrades, weaponry and more.  Players must make their win count as they may only raid a complete run once every five days per character.

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